The Talented Ms. Kinney: Meet Actress Chandler Kinney

Teenage superstar Chandler Kinney, 17, stars as Riana Murtaugh in the new Lethal Weapon


Chandler Kinney 

In LaTEEN—the former name of this mag—we’ve chatted with Kinney before, and although she’s now older and wiser, she’s still just as awesome and inspirational. In this feature, our cover girl and California native fills us in on her life; from career to college and everything in between.

You started your professional career as a dancer. Do you still dance?

Due to the demands of my filming schedule, I've had to stop taking dance classes. However, I still stretch while watching TV, dance in my backyard, or sometimes even choreograph pieces to music with friends! I don't have a favorite style of dance. Because I never danced in just one style throughout the 12 years I trained and performed, even from a young age I was able to develop a unique relationship with, and appreciation for, each style. 

Ok, we must ask: You’ve worked with professional dancer and choreographer Debbie Allen. What did you learn from her?

When I danced in her academy, I worked with Ms. Allen in many of her productions over the years. She has a strong presence and spirit. She truly is inspiring and constantly motivates her dancers to work harder.

Your family relocated from Northern California to Los Angeles to help you pursue your dreams. Were they always supportive of your acting career? 

My family moved to Southern California when I was only one year old, so they had no idea I would work in the industry. Yet, since the very moment I made the decision to begin working professionally in entertainment, my parents and brothers have operated as the best support system I could have ever asked for. My mom actively works as my personal business tactician, continuously planning action and managing my career. My brothers and dad have made many sacrifices in order for me to pursue my dreams and I will forever be grateful for their generosity.

How do they keep you grounded? 

By treating me normally. Just because I work on a television show doesn't mean that I don't have to maintain good grades in school, clean up after the dog, or spend quality time with my family. No matter how much I accomplish or receive in my life, an overwhelming feeling of gratitude will always be in my heart.

How do you juggle schoolwork with your acting career? 

It’s never been easy, but because I deeply value both major aspects of my life, I make it possible. Especially in the past 4 years, working late into the early hours of the morning—or on the road to and from work—has been my experience coping with my responsibilities as a simultaneous student and actor. My favorite subject is English because I have a strong love for reading, writing, and analyzing literature. 

Do you plan to attend college? 

Attending college has always been part of my plan! I hope to double major in either theater or film media studies, along with psychology. As a female and a minority working in the entertainment industry, I want to ensure that my artistry is never limited by a lack of opportunity. By achieving higher education, I hope to expand my toolkit in order to become a strong force in the business and one day open doors for those who come after me.

Where did you apply to school?

I have applied to schools on both the West and East coasts. I have a multitude of factors to consider when making my decision, so I'll have to see which school will be the best fit! It definitely is an equally stressful, yet exciting, process! 

What book(s) or movies have inspired or motivated you, personally, in various ways?

Being a very observant person, I can draw some sort of influence from most art I am exposed to whether it be in the form of literature, music, or film. Recently, a movie that served as a great source of inspiration to me, both on a personal and artistic level, was Black Panther. Aside from being a Marvel fan, I have a tremendous amount of appreciation for this brilliant piece of work. 

Many of the issues tackled were deeply complex and even paralleled current matters in today's society including differing opinions on the greater good, nationalism vs globalism, and the fight for equality. The performances of all the characters were very engaging as each was vividly three- dimensional, reminding me to actively seek to discover more layers when portraying a role. Lastly, it serves as motivation to continue contributing to representation in media so that little girls and boys can see themselves and their stories being told.

What’s your favorite inspirational quote?Chandler Kinney

My favorite quote is, "Shoot for the moon and if you fall short, you'll land among the stars." These words have guided me through life. I've worked so that if my first plan fails, my second plan will be just as good. 

Describe your fashion style—and the best way for teens to dress if they’re on a budget?

I pull fashion inspiration from a wide variety of people and sources and believe that is reflected in my eclectic sense of how I like to present myself. I definitely enjoy being exciting and unexpected while taking risks—all while maintaining comfort. As for budget shopping; only buy something if you absolutely love it. It can be easier than you think to fill your wardrobe with items that don't make you feel good, so definitely keep that in mind! Also, there can be great deals online that are not offered in stores! 

Any skincare secrets you can spill?

Aloe leaves contain Aloe Vera gel which can work as a super successful secret skin saver! It has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties which makes it great for sunburns or problem skin. It can reduce acne and infection, lighten blemishes, and even accelerate wound healing. In addition to all this, it's extremely hydrating. It works wonders!

Please tell us about your philanthropy and charity work.

The importance of philanthropy was emphasized to me from a young age. I grew up with a heightened awareness of other's needs. About four years ago, my mom and I created an organization called Chandler's Friends. We reach out to children who are at a disadvantage and let them know someone cares about them. Initially, Chandler’s Friends made and donated handmade blankets to foster children. Today, we’re ‘give back’ on a much larger scale. In December of 2016, my organization partnered with Hasbro to host a toy wrapping event and donated 300 toys to homeless youth in the Los Angeles area for the holidays. In December 2017, Chandler's Friends held a toy drive and wrapping event and was able to provide a new, wrapped toy for every single student in an elementary school that could use a little bit of help for the holidays. My next goal is to raise money to build the school a STEM lab. I feel so lucky to be in a position that allows me to make positive change in the community. As someone who has been given opportunity, it’s my moral obligation to give back.

Why is it so important for teens to put down their iPhones and get involved with community service?

I believe the greatest aspect of getting involved in the community, besides making a positive difference in the lives of people in need, is developing a richer perspective of the surrounding world. To be enlightened by the people you meet, and educated by observing the impact of action first-hand, is an opportunity worth having. Volunteering helps shape individuals into open-minded, virtuous citizens operating in a global community. It is through the act of giving in which compassion and empathy is cultivated—two of human's greatest powers. 

Who is your personal role model—and why?

My mom. Every day she exemplifies the qualities of the greatest leader: fearlessness, independence, strength, perseverance, and intelligence. She inspires me to be my best self and I am forever grateful for her.


Follow Chandler Kinney on Instagram at: chandlerlkinney. To learn more about Chandler’s Friends, follow on Instagram: chandlers_friends.

Photographer: Benjo Arwas Makeup: Sean Harris Hair: Anthony Pazos Clothing: Maison Privée PR