Get Real with RAEL

Let’s be honest for a second. We all know that feeling when ‘that time’ of the month comes and you only have one tampon left. Ugh. (And the last thing you want to do is go to the store right after you’ve been hit by the monthly ‘train’ that makes you bloated, causes skin breakouts, and hormonally bummed after REALLY realizing you’ll never meet Shawn Mendez...)

Like I said—we all know that ‘Blah’ feeling.

I tried the Rael monthly period subscription box and let me tell you -- it makes the most unbearable time of the month bearable...and honestly almost something to look forward to. I know, I said it.

But here’s why: you never have to worry about running out of tampons, pads, or liners. They’re made with organic cotton, so you know you’re not putting mysterious and potentially harmful chemicals in your lady parts. You get pimple patches (bye-bye, breakouts!) and a selection of facemasks—yes, PLEASE!

OrganicTamponsThe brand’s feminine products had me totally covered and I swear by the pimple patches. They’re hardly visible, so if you have things to do and people to see, you can still be fighting those uninvited pimples (which the patched make disappear in like two days!)

And for the perfect period night in, Rael makes it easy to Netflix and chill with your self-love. Throw on your coziest sweats, softest pajama shirt, and a Rael face mask. Because taking care of yourself is always critical—especially on your period.

Rael is the perfect way to make the struggle not so real. By treating yourself from the inside/out (!!!) with a face mask and taking care of your body with natural products, that time of the month is going to suck way less. Trust me. Get Rael. - KL

You can purchase individual Rael items—from organic pads and tampons to botanical face masks—at Prices may vary, but at press time, a First Period Care Kit is $39, with comes with oodles of items you need for that time of the month.