The Real World

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@halfthestory Combats the Negative Effects of Social Media

Marketing expert and public speaker Larissa (Larz) May was juggling two lives: one, as a student at Vanderbilt University, and another as a popular fashion blogger who often covered New York Fashion Week. Her Instagram was pretty impressive, but behind the scenes told a different story. Larz was exhausted and sleep-deprived from working 17 hour days and battled debilitating anxiety. She realized she wanted to do more with her social media platform than cover fashion trends. And thus, @halfthestory—a non-profit combating the negative effects of social media on mental health—was born. Throughout the month of May, @halfthestory produced a play in NYC about mental health in modern society in honor of #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth.

Larz shares her story and mission with American Teen readers and explains ways you can get involved.


Let’s start at the beginning. Where did you grow up, and what was your childhood like?

I grew up in the Western Suburbs of Chicago. I was a builder from the start. I was always fascinated by individual stories. I started my early career as a professional actor, and that’s really when I became fascinated with different journeys, personas, and life experiences. I was always a creative spirit. What I didn’t realize until college was that I struggled with mental health throughout my life. I often grappled with my own emotions and didn’t understand that it could rooted in depression. The intense feelings, emotions, and periods of darkness were not.

What exactly IS #halfthestory?

#HalfTheStory is a global, non-profit community that encourages individuals to participate in open dialogue about mental health on social media-life unfiltered. #HalfTheStory serves as a platform for people from all walks of life to share their unique struggles, vulnerabilities, and triumphs. In a world driven by instant success, we tend to hide behind our perfectly curated social media identities and an unrealistic perception of reality. There’s nothing wrong with finding that beautiful little square in the turmoil that accompanies life, but all those perfect squares are only #halfthestory. Our instagram platform @halfthestory is a place to share unfiltered moments that connect us on a more human level.

When did you first realize, wow, OK, social media can actually be toxic?

When I was in college I started a fashion blog, @livinlikelarz. While I was at school I was suffering from depression and anxiety behind closed doors. Throughout this time, my social media looked completely different. I was “thriving” and wouldn’t miss a post for anything. Once I was able to overcome my depression, I realized how much of a toll social media was having on my mental health. I also realized that I was not the only one struggling behind the screen. Everyone had another #halfthestory to share.

In what ways--in your expertise--is social media great for teens? In what ways is it negative?

The positives: Social media is a platform for personal expression and creativity, and a new way to meet friends and build relationships.

The negatives: Increased isolation, bullying, disrupted sleep patterns...Since social media was created, rates of anxiety and depression amongst youth have skyrocketed.

larissa mayWhat makes #halfthestory so unique and special?

Our platform has changed the way individuals are engaging with social media. In efforts to change the behavior of one-dimensional storytelling, we have created a destination for transparency and human connection. We have a global #storysquad, a group of ambassadors that are advocating for mental health and helping other teens connect to resources in their local areas.

What is the best compliment you get received from a teen?

(This is from one of our #storysquad members in Bolivia): “#Halfthestory came into my life at the perfect moment. It had been a few months since my brother took his own life and mental health started to make a lot of noise in my life. I didn't understand the importance about mental illness until I was totally aware of what had happened to my brother. Someone who I loved, lived with and spoken to every single day of my life, suffered from depression and I didn't notice. I got to share my story through the platform and it was completely groundbreaking... I spoke about something that is a huge taboo in society and I felt so relieved. I decided to become an ambassador for HTS and collect stories in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Some people who I never thought would talk to me, reached out and decided to tell their story about how mental health affected their lives. It’s amazing how the simple act of speaking out about suicide and mental health can help hundreds of people to feel supported and understood. I'm pretty sure my brother would've loved this, but he didn't have the chance to know it. I'll continue to listen and speak out to create mental health awareness through #HalfTheStory to honor him.”

How can teens outside of NYC get involved with #halfthestory?

Follow @halfthestory and support other community members sharing their stories; Submit your own story on our platform (, and if you are interested in becoming an #storysquad member, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

What advice do you have for today's teens who are struggling with mental health, or for teens in general?

Set boundaries around screen time. For every hour you spend online, make sure it’s paired with 2 hours spent in the real world. Also, check in with yourself. I suggest using an app like Mood Notes to track your daily emotions and how this correlates with the amount of time that you are spending on social media. Make mental health part of the conversation. Check in on your friends every once in a while. Also, add the Teen Line To your Phonebook. This is a great place to contact if you or a friend is struggling and want to talk to another teen who understands. (CALL 310- 855-4673 or TEXT teen to 839863)

What message does #halfthestory have for teens of today?
Social media is only #halfthestory. There’s always another reality behind the screen.