TikTok star Bailey Spinn chats with American Teen

Social media personality and influencer is out to prove she’s much more than the persona you see on TikTok. Sure, she’s gained over 11 million followers online as a top content creator on TikTok as well as YouTube—but we wanted an inside look at her life off-screen. In this feature, Bailey discusses her childhood, advocacy, and reminds fans to stay true to yourself despite any haters. Let’s go behind the “screens” and learn more about this social media sensation.

Tell us about your childhood -- were you always outgoing?

I have been outgoing ever since I was a kid; my dad always said I could befriend a squirrel. I’m always a little shy at first, but once I start talking, it’s totally different person. I love learning about people and seeing what they do or like!

There are so many personalities on TikTok. What do you like to post that audiences seem to connect with?

My audience loves when I’m my true self, not trying to be too serious or informational. Showing my personality engages them much more and keeps them wanting to see the content. I try to add humor of some sort into all my videos, and I love to end on cliffhangers. 

We love that you're an anti-bullying advocate. Were you bullied as a kid/teen? What advice do you have for bullied teen girls?

Thank you! I was definitely bullied as a kid. People made fun of my weight, acne, and many other things. It’s hard to get over, especially when you’re so young. Bullying makes people question their self-worth and whether they’re beautiful or not. The way I overcame these thoughts was by positively affirming to myself that I am everything I need. Keeping a positive mindset about yourself and your body allows you to ignore people who hate. Haters root their negativity from insecurity, so if you fight it with confidence, you’ll always win.

Bailey SpinnIn what ways do you give back to the community and raise awareness?

I try to make all my content have a positive message, whether it be answering back to hate comments, posting positive quotes, or just saying something kind. I want to make my platform a safe space for everyone where they don’t need to feel judged or unwanted. A lot of my acting videos have a positive message, like fighting back against bullies or finding out self-worth. A lot of kids look up to me, so I never want to show them anything that may hurt their feelings. Being a positive role model is very important to me.

Many teens see "perfect" women on social media and compare themselves to them. What advice do you have for teens falling down the lack-of-confidence rabbit hole?

Most of the people you see on the internet are editing their photos or posing a certain way to make themselves look perfect! No one is perfect. You cannot compare yourself to something that isn’t real, so try not to look at anyone and wish you were different. There is nothing that needs to be changed about you because you’re beautiful as you are. Everyone has their insecurities, even the models you see day to day on social media. You don’t need to look like one perfect standard to have self-love. Look at yourself in the mirror and point out things you love about yourself instead!

How can one launch a successful TikTok channel?

Be super consistent. I ended up gaining a huge following because I was posting 2 to 3 times every single day. This keeps your followers wanting more, especially if you’re sticking to a niche. Speaking of niches, try to follow a theme with your videos. Create a series following a guideline, like makeup stories or outfit videos. People will then know what type of content you post and that they can always see more. Also, try to engage with all your followers. You can do this by answering DMS, replying to comments, and going live! Everyone wants to know the person their following is real, and it helps your audience to connect more!

What are your hobbies?

I love singing, playing the guitar, working out, skating, and shopping! I’ve always been obsessed with music; the guitar is my way to wind down for the day, plus nothing beats karaoke!

Ever had times when you take a "break" from social media? Why is this important for you--and teenagers?

I take breaks all the time. If I don’t feel my best, I never force myself to make content. It never turns out how I want it to, or even the smallest things will set me off. You never want to overwork or overwhelm yourself; you’re human and can only do so much. I have a day each week where I sit and have a self-care night with basically no phone. It helps to unwind and cut down on screen time. Social media can sometimes become toxic, so taking a break and focusing on yourself for a minute is important.

Follow Bailey Spinn on TikTok: @baileyspinn; via Instagram: @baileyspinn, and find her YouTube channel under: Bailey Spinn.
Photo credit: Sammi Parker @ghostgirlphotography