5 Energy (and Mood) Boosters

If you have a case of the blah blah blues, you need some cheering up—stat! Feeling grumpy? Hangry? Tired? Stressed out? If you’re feeling like a grey raincloud and can’t seem to remove the frown from your face, these handy dandy little perks can boost your mood.

By Maria Lauren 

Get some sun

You love your bed—we get it. We love our bed, too. It’s cozy, it’s warm, it represents comfort--it’s also where you rest when you’re feeling depressed and sad. Anything you can do to physically get away from your bed can improve your mood—especially getting outside and appreciating nature. Breathe in that fresh air, listen to the birds singing, to kids cheering, to the ice cream truck...studies have shown that a little bit of sunshine can go a long way in boosting your mood. So, do your best to leave your beloved behind and spend time in the great outdoors—even if you just flip through a magazine (including this one!) which sitting in a deck chair on your patio with a glass of cold lemonade.

Be authentic

You’ll feel so much better, emotionally, and physically, if you’re true to yourself and to others. Tap into your emotions and acknowledge them, rather than shrugging off your feelings and thinking, “I’m fine. I’m fine.” (When...it’s OK to NOT be fine.) Also, if you muster up the power and confidence to talk to someone about your emotions—be therapist, a parent, or a true-blue friend, be as honest and open as possible. You won’t feel like a shell of a person, and you’ll feel better ‘letting it all out.’ 

teen picPost—and follow—positive affirmations

We’ve all seen those ‘inspirational’ posters; either at school or in a doctor’s office, that say stuff like: “Leap and the net will appear!” or “Always lead, never follow!” I remember in middle school being upset that I had a mouthful of silver braces on my teeth—but felt better when I saw my guidance counselor had a poster on the wall that read: “Braces Make Beautiful Faces,” with a picture of Snoopy the dog smiling with braces on. That little positive poster made me feel better about my mouth of metal. As cheesy as some may be, if you’re feeling down, consider repeating some of these mantras in your head to give yourself a pep talk. It can help! For example, in the classic novel, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, you’ll find the famous quote, “Stay calm, don’t panic.” I repeat that to myself whenever I am feeling overwhelmed; breath in, breath out, and it helps me control my emotions—even just a smidgen. 

Being present--put down phone

Put your cell phone down and get OFF social media. It can be toxic and annoying. Plus, more and more studies are showing constantly staring at your phone can wreak havoc on your posture and even trigger neck and back pain. Even celebrity Skai Jackson puts her cell phone away to connect “in the moment” with friends and business colleagues. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through TikTok, why not curl up with a good book, or watch a movie, with your cell phone turned OFF in another room. What are you really missing? More cat pics from people you don’t even know? Being present and focused can-do wonders for your self-esteem and confidence—try to curb your cell phone addiction and track how much happier you are without your iPhone. A teen recently told me they didn’t pull their cell phone out ONCE when on a recent trip with friends to a Six Flags Amusement Park, and had the BEST time just chilling with friends and going on all the roller coasters. (They took group pics at the end.) What’s more fun—wasting precious time getting a “perfect” pic for social media, or just enjoying the day? Exactly!

Take a yoga class

There’s a reason why so many people--yes, even teenagers--really like yoga. It can be calming and help you feel centered when you’re feeling lost. We here at American Teen have posted many times about the benefits of yoga. Deep breathing and safe body stretches can help alleviate tension in your body and help calm you down. If you feel kind of scattered, sad, confused...why not enroll in a yoga class at the local gym? It can be intimidating, but it can’t hurt to just try it. Yoga tends to attract very loving and supportive people, so you may meet a friend or two there, too. Or take an online yoga class in the privacy of your home to boost your energy and feel like “yourself” again.