College Corner

Modern Majors

Today, you’ll find some college majors in fields you never imagined.

Rapidly changing job markets in the 21st Century have pushed colleges across the nation to update their offerings. No longer satisfied with plain old biology and poli sci majors, students in the new millennium seek courses that both fit their interests and prepare them for highly skilled job market of today.

These courses vary across an awesomely huge spectrum of themes and it is impossible to list them all. But a good rule of thumb today is to match your talents with your major. For example, if performance is your passion then find schools with quality theatre programs. Or, if you are into technology looks for schools that specialize in engineering or computer science.

To give an idea of some of the modern majors out there we present some of the coolest options in some key fields of work:


pic 11In the old days, these majors would be called the Fine Arts. They are still often called that, but don’t let the boring name fool you. Imagine using big blowtorches to create metallic art or using audio software to create multi-media soundtracks to movies and TV. One student, Connor, who studies Audio Design at Columbia College in Chicago told us about one project that “required the students to find a band on their own and bring them into the studio for a six-hour recording session. We then had to mix a song from that session and present our final mix to one of the chairs of the Audio Department...”

Learning through projects like these helps students master skills that employers are demanding in the 21st century. After finishing his studies, Connor dreams of continuing to play music but also using his new skills to “work with bands to help them produce the best records possible.”

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Comic Art

What you study: You’ll learn how to create various forms of comics with a focus on the key skills necessary for creating a successful comic such as character and plot development.

Where you can get the degree: Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Jewelry and Metalsmithing

Where you can get the degree: Rhode Island School of Design Providence, Rhode Island

Where you can get the degree: Emerson College Boston, Massachusetts

Comedic Arts

What you study: The essentials of creating laughter from writing to performing and producing and you look at the history of different forms of comedy from Dante’s classical Divine Comedy to today’s late night talk shows.

Where you can get the degree: Emerson College Boston, Massachusetts


With the population growing the demand for jobs in both construction and transportation will increase in the coming years. New technologies will also make both construction and transportation industries greener with low-energy buildings being planned and new approaches to mass transit being considered in cities across the world.

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Construction Management

What you study: How to manage the supplies, workers, and actual building of a massive construction project such as a hospital, hotel, or apartment building.

Where you can get the degree: Cal State Sacramento, California

Maritime Logistics 

What you study: You learn how to manage complex supply chains and security challenges on massive container ships

Where you can get the degree: U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Kings Point, New York

Logistics & Transport Management 

What you study: How to manage large scale supply systems and reduce supply costs help industries improve profitability. For example, supplying McDonald’s every month with thousands of tons of potatoes for their fries.

Where you can get the degree: Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio

Sports and Sport Entertainment


As you learned in this issue, sports are a $73 billion industry. With the right skills you can find a job in this field that has a great salary and allows you live anywhere. For the business and money-making types there are programs in sports marketing and management and for the science and math folks sports medicine offers a host of terrific career opportunities.

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Entertainment Engineering

What you study: You learn how to organize, manage, and build the various types of facilities that make up today’s entertainment industry such as such as casinos, hotels, sports complexes, and theme parks.

Where you can get the degree: UNLV Las Vegas, Nevada

Sports Management

What you study: Teams, stadiums, and athletes put massive effort into putting together sporting events. All of them need sports managers to take care of the lengthy details and logistics involved.

Where you can get the degree: UF Gainesville, Florida

Hotel Administration

What you study:You study how to manage and maintain a large hotel and all itsdepartments from food and beverage and maintenance to front desk and housekeeping.

Where you can get the degree: Cornell University Ithaca, New York

Gaming and Computing

The need for experts in the world of coding and cyber security is exploding. Tech firms with trendy foosball festooned offices are blossoming all across the nation and they need coders. And it’s not just from tech firms. Companies from diverse fields such as Taco Bell or HBO need their systems managed and there is a serious shortage of qualified individuals to fill these positions. Think of all the passwords and credit cards and personal data that have to be managed.

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What you study: With a degree in this field you will know how to identify and protect against hackers and other attackers who try and break into computer systems.

Where you can get the degree: Boston University Boston, Massachusetts


What can you study: You learn not only how to use technology to create animations but also what comprimises its essential elements such as realistic body language and expressions language as well as cool after effects.

Where you can get the degree: School of Visual Arts New York, New York


What you study: How to create, using code, everything in the digital universe from basic web pages and music players to multiplayer gaming worlds like Splatoon or Fortnite.

Where you can get the degree: Everywhere from local colleges and Universities to 'coding boot camps' that can be found everywhere online. (Code Academy, App Academy, Bitmaker, Springboard)