Great White Deals

 Tips on a Safe, Successful Holiday Shopping Haul

 Avoid the Holiday Shopping Sharks and Have a Great Trip to the Mall

It’s the time of year when shoppers everywhere are going crazy for holiday deals. Here are some of my best tricks for an easy and fun shopping trip to find the best deals:


  • Don’t judge a store by it’s cover- What may look like a fancy, expensive boutique could be a super affordable, cute store! I found one of my personal favorites just by taking a chance and going into the store.


  • Bring a shopping crew- Hit up the mall with your friends, it makes the shopping so much better! I like to go with a smaller number of people because too many gets a little stressful.


  • Avoid big mobs of people- Unless you are trying to get in an epic fight over a giant TV, try to avoid big crowds of people. It’s very scary and very sweaty in the middle of those big shopping mobs.


  • Don’t be afraid to dig- Bargain bins, messy sale racks, all of the wonderful parts of a big holiday sale are scary to look at, but so much fun to dig through. Most of those places have been picked through so much that all of the good stuff has been pushed to the bottom. Become a shopping archeologist and paw through the mass of clothes!


  • Don’t be shy- Ask the workers at the store where the good deals can be found. They would know best of anyone there, AND they usually have a really good fashion sense-Instant shopping guide! Score!


Most importantly, I would urge everyone not to waste your Thanksgiving day waiting in a line. The deals can wait. If Black Friday is your thing, get up a little bit earlier on that day and have fun at the mall, you don’t need to ditch your Thanksgiving to stand outside in the cold in a line. Happy Holidays!